Communication & Letters Home
Tapestry is a fantastic online learning journal which is used for children in the Reception year, where staff upload children's observations which can include: videos, photographs and comments linked to learning. Parents have access to view their own child's journal, respond with their own comments, 'like' observations and upload their own to show the achievements from outside of school.
Tapestry enables staff to build a picture of a child's learning journey and the progression they have made throughout the Foundation Stage. Tapestry allows children to be involved in sharing and discussing their learning on a day-to-day basis both with adults at home and at school.
An excellent advantage to using tapestry as opposed to hand-written books, is that it can be accessed via phones, tablets and computers, using a personal password.
Termly Learning Consultations
We have two formal parents' evenings each year, one in the Autumn term and one in the Spring, with an informal parents' evening at the end of the year to recognise and celebrate children's progress. These meetings provide an opportunity to talk about your child, discuss how they have settled into class and celebrate their learning. Teachers share ways in which your child is learning and making progress through photos and discussion.
Annual Reports
Annual reports are prepared at the end of the Summer term to give an overview of how each child has progressed during the academic year.
The school regularly communicates via email with parents through MCAS (My Child At School), this system can also be used to book trips and pay for school lunches. Instructions for using this system can be requested from the school office.